Unsure of your level? Click here to take a free placement test.
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session.
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Atelier de lecture et conversation
''Le médecin malgré lui '' de Molière - Livre en français facile
Edition Hachette Français Langue Etrangère
ISBN : 9782011559708
Chaque semaine, les participants lisent les pages recommandées et en discutent en classe.
Le livre est à acheter chez le libraire de votre choix
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session.
Atelier Discussion avec Hélène Laroche Davis, PHD
5 lundis, du 21 octobre au 18 novembre 2024
Palo Alto @ Emerson School
2800 W Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Niveau B1-B2, C1-C2 et francophone 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$170 AFSCV membres |$200 non-membres
Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un atelier dédié à La Belle Époque, cette période emblématique de l'histoire
française, qui s’étend de la fin du XIXe siècle au début de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Venez participer à une chasse aux trésors et découvrir pourquoi Paris est devenue la ville lumière et le centre du monde.
Innovations technogiques, artistiques, musicales, littéraires... Elle est souvent vue comme une époque d'or pour l'art, la littérature et
le progrès social.
Mais qu'est ce que La Belle Epoque? Etait-elle si belle? Comment a-t-elle influencé notre époque?
Rejoignez-nous pour débattre et développer ensemble une réflexion critique sur cette oeuvre à portée universelle, miroir de notre humanité.
Class will start at Unit 1 in Edito B1
Edito B1 - Livre - Nouvelle édition 2023
ISBN : 978-2278108541
Edito B1 - Cahier d'activités - Nouvelle édition 2023
ISBN: 978-2278108527
Books and workbooks can be purchased from the retailer of your choice.
Please contact us if you have any further questions by email.
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class will resume at Unit 4 in Edito B1
Edito B1 - Livre - Nouvelle édition 2023
ISBN : 978-2278108541
Edito B1 - Cahier d'activités - Nouvelle édition 2023
ISBN: 978-2278108527
Books and workbooks can be purchased from the retailer of your choice or from AF Silicon Valley.
If these items are bought through AF Silicon Valley, they are non-refundable.
Please contact us if you have any further questions by email.
A2 level completed
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class will resume at Unit 7 in Edito B1
Thèmes : Le voyage
Grammaire: Le futur proche, le futur simple, le conditionnel présent et le conditionnel passé
Books and workbooks can be purchased from the retailer.
Please contact us if you have any further questions by email.
Textbooks required :
Edito B1 méthode de français Ed.2018
ISBN : 978-2278087730
Edito B1 cahier d'activités Ed.2018
ISBN : 978-2278090037
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
La classe reprendra à l'unité 10 dans la méthode Edito B1 et utilisera en complément le manuel Grammaire progressive du français,
niveau avancé B1/B2.
Grammaire :
La cause et la conséquence, le participe présent et les pronoms relatifs composés..
Thèmes de lecture/conversation : Les études, le savoir et les connaissances.
Books and workbooks can be purchased from the retailer of your choice.
Please contact us if you have any further questions by email.
Edito B1 méthode de français Ed.2018
ISBN : 978-2278087730
Edito B1 cahier d'activités Ed.2018
ISBN : 978-2278090037
Grammaire progressive Avancé
ISBN : 978-2090381979
Grammaire progressive Avancé - Corrigés
ISBN : 978-2090381986
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Atelier Discussion avec Hélène Laroche Davis, PHD
5 lundis, du 21 octobre au 18 novembre 2024
Palo Alto @ Emerson School
2800 W Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Niveau B1-B2, C1-C2 et francophone 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$170 AFSCV membres |$200 non-membres
Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un atelier dédié à La Belle Époque, cette période emblématique de l'histoire
française, qui s’étend de la fin du XIXe siècle au début de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Venez participer à une chasse aux trésors et découvrir pourquoi Paris est devenue la ville lumière et le centre du monde.
Innovations technogiques, artistiques, musicales, littéraires... Elle est souvent vue comme une époque d'or pour l'art, la littérature et
le progrès social.
Mais qu'est ce que La Belle Epoque? Etait-elle si belle? Comment a-t-elle influencé notre époque?
Rejoignez-nous pour débattre et développer ensemble une réflexion critique sur cette oeuvre à portée universelle, miroir de notre humanité.
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
Atelier Discussion avec Hélène Laroche Davis, PHD
5 lundis, du 21 octobre au 18 novembre 2024
Palo Alto @ Emerson School
2800 W Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Niveau B1-B2, C1-C2 et francophone 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$170 AFSCV membres |$200 non-membres
Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un atelier dédié à La Belle Époque, cette période emblématique de l'histoire
française, qui s’étend de la fin du XIXe siècle au début de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Venez participer à une chasse aux trésors et découvrir pourquoi Paris est devenue la ville lumière et le centre du monde.
Innovations technogiques, artistiques, musicales, littéraires... Elle est souvent vue comme une époque d'or pour l'art, la littérature et
le progrès social.
Mais qu'est ce que La Belle Epoque? Etait-elle si belle? Comment a-t-elle influencé notre époque?
Rejoignez-nous pour débattre et développer ensemble une réflexion critique sur cette oeuvre à portée universelle, miroir de notre humanité.
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval within the first two weeks of the session
https://www.afscv.org/learn-french/terms-and-conditions/Thème 11 : Guerrse des mondes
Class transfers: A student can transfer to another class subject to Teacher and School Director approval
within the first two weeks of the session
Office hours:
Tuesdays 10am-2pm
Thursdays 11am-1pm
Saturdays 10am-12pm
Alliance Française Silicon Valley
Los Gatos, CA 95032