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Ciné-Club Conversation : 8 rue de l’Humanité

Zoom event

By Dany Boon, with Laurence Arné, Dany Boon, Yvan Attal.

In French with English subtitles

This delightful movie is a Parisian comedy, a refreshing take on the havoc wreaked during the pandemic. The families are all from different walks of life: property owner, attorney, scientist, concierge… While some have fled in the provinces, seven families remain in their building 8 rue de l’Humanité in the 11th arrondissement.

There’s plenty of action and humor throughout the movie, and you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat, wondering what’s going to happen next.

The characters show off a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness to anger and back again. They learn some valuable lessons about themselves and each other.

How people react to the situation is what makes this movie interesting. Do they band together or tear each other apart?     

View the film on Netflix ahead of the discussion.

The bilingual presentation and discussion will be led by Helene Laroche Davis.

$5 | Become a Member

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